Create a breakthrough in your online program.

Higher Ed is changing – is your program changing with it?

The 21st-century educational environment is a new frontier for universities, schools, and other instructional institutions. Economic realities and continuing technological advances have brought new competitors to the marketplace and created new expectations among current and prospective students. In this new world, your school needs to access every competitive advantage available.

Now more than ever, having an online learning program has become more than just a good idea – it’s a necessity. Colleges, universities, and even primary and secondary schools are finding it essential to cater to the needs of students with an online teaching program. A well developed program can provide crucial learning services, including everything from full online classes to supplemental online instruction to alternative learning environments for people with different abilities.

We know that creating a high-quality virtual learning experience is not easy, especially one that stays true to your institution’s values – and budget requirements! You need help from someone experienced in developing a world-class online curriculum without having to hike tuition or drain the endowment.

This is where Signum University can help!

The Signum Method: A Proven Concept

Signum University is a digitally native, 100% online learning institution. It was founded in 2011 by Dr. Corey Olsen with a clear mission: to make education accessible, dynamic, and affordable.

With no external funding of any kind, Dr. Olsen built a virtual learning structure, recruited world-class faculty, and created an “open door to learning” that has attracted students of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities from around the world. All courses are conducted completely online, with a digital campus that provides students with resources, support, and opportunities to connect with peers and faculty members. Signum students who have obtained their degrees have gone on to pursue doctorates and take jobs in their fields of study.

All of this was realized while remaining true to two key goals:

  • Maintaining a reasonable cost structure for students
  • Offering fair remuneration to faculty

The Signum Method features:

  • Flexible and accessible asynchronous learning options
  • High-quality credit programs for students pursuing a degree or certificate
  • A range of enrollment options for auditors
  • Low administrative costs that allows competitive faculty pay
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Signum Consultancy Components

The Signum Consultancy, led by Dr. Olsen, helps educational institutions and organizations implement their own online educational programs using proven methods and best practices developed by Signum University. The Signum Consultancy offers two key services focused on key strategies for success.

Needs Analysis

The needs analysis occurs in two phases. In the evaluation phase, a consultant will meet with online program stakeholders, including administrators, management, and staff members involved in the program development and oversight. During the evaluation, the consultant will gather information about the program’s goals, current status, roles and responsibilities, and other details.

Using findings from the evaluation, the consultant will then work with a team of Signum University faculty and staff to build a set of in-depth recommendations. These will consider tools and technologies currently being used by the organization, as well as potential options that can improve efficiency while keeping costs low.

Faculty Training

Faculty training can be a significant challenge to online program success. Effective online instruction requires a specialized skillset and a different approach from face-to-face instruction.

Signum consultants will work with your instructors both in person and in a virtual setting to acclimate them to the online classroom environment. Special attention will be given to the unique challenges of your institution, instructor strengths, and student situations.
